Saturday 5 October 2013

Star ritual

Right after sunset, as soon as the stars appear, a girl takes a knife and sticks it into the ground under the roof of the house, at the location where drops of rain fall from the roof. While doing this she utters:

I'm not putting this knife into the ground,

but in Mujo's heart and liver,

in his 77 nerves,

88 joints (while uttering this she drives the knife harder into the ground),

and 99 bones.

After that she looks at the largest star in the sky and utters:

Small star by god my sister (she moves her hands away from the knife),

wherever you find my Mujo you shall possess him,

where you catch up to him you shall move him from his place,

strike him in his cowlick,

bring him to me!

Then she places her palms onto the ground and utters the following vow:

Dark earth by god my mother!

This vow should not grasp me nor you,

nor the encircled garden,

nor a planted tree,

nor a barren sheep,

nor a cow without a calf,

but my Mujo and his heart and liver,

his 77 nerves,

88 joints and his 99 bones.

He should die,

go crazy until he comes to me and until he talks to me!

Then she blows in the direction of the star and without turning around she goes home. Tomorrow morning, before sunup, she takes the knife out from the ground.